Saturday 10 September 2011

Distracted All Right....

At any given time during the day I am thinking of work, what will be for supper, my husband's (and therefore, mine) diet, running for village council, the current state of the economy, when my next board meeting is, how my daughters are doing, where they are at the moment, what is my husband doing right now, why they want to build a gawdawful airport terminal reminicent of the gawdawful information center, how the living area in my new long house will look (assuming it is built), when can I get to any number of books I have half read, why must people pray for every little thing when there are millions of people who don't even get a meal a day, when can I go to Mexico, is global warming anthropogenic or cyclical, how much I want to bead, weave, draw, etc. and the list goes on. Oh my...that's just a glimpse.
It does, however explain how I started a blog post about Easy Rider the movie and the fear of freedom rampant in our society and ended up writing this one. I am not sure what this means in the overall big picture when I just end up with the question of how am I ever going to get done all the things I want to do. Read all the books I want to finish reading, finish half finished renos and projects I need to finish, make all the awesome things I want to make and still have time to change the world. But...hey! I'm a great starter!
I started this morning with the goal of getting some paperwork done and instead worked on the laundry, browsed the web, and wrote this blog. This blog counts as paperwork...right??

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