Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Letting Go...

Until my recent break up, I left after 12 years of being together and nearly 10 years of marriage, I had no idea what "letting go" truly meant. I had a notion that it was releasing anger over unimportant things. I now understand that it is so much more than that. I have a clearer picture of what I hold on to, often obsessively. For example, I am notoriously bad for keeping every text ever sent me. At least, I used to. Part of letting go was deleting ALL of them. After saving the vital contact information and personal photo, of course.

My promise to myself is to live in the present moment as fully as I can. To help fulfill this promise I intend to treat each day as brand new. Each morning I will delete ALL of my text messages from the previous day. I do not want to spend anymore time obsessively reviewing past conversations that I can not change.  I do not want to spend precious time wishing I had said this or that. I will just let it go... is my email!

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