Eventual book pages interspersed with commentary, personal history, recipes and social political opinions. Enjoy! ...or not.
Sunday, 23 November 2014
" Do Not Lean Upon Your Own Understanding" ... I Call B*llsh*t.
Friday, 21 November 2014
My Current Rant.
In this era of social media, where we all have our phones in our hands, it seems nothing is private. I have no real issue with this. I have always tried to maintain an open book policy for my life. However, my recent break up has showed me that what I thought should be a given, that my space and private life is mine, in the very small town I live in, isn't. It would seem that no place is more full of small minded gossipers than a small town. Hello people...we have the internet!! A gateway to knowledge of worldly things! Or other worldly things! Of amazing life elsewhere! Of Science! Of alternative energies! Of self help programs, yoga, religions, ancient artifacts, dreams, tarot, magic, astrology, recipes, cats etc. etc. the list is endless!!! As a self proclaimed explorer of all things interesting and philosophical I am still astounded by the need for people to make shit up when they do not know! Speculating about peoples private lives. I for one give not one fuck if the next door neighbor takes more than the usual interest in his goats as long as he is not harming them. If he smokes pot, if his adult female cousin visits too often, or male cousin...or whatever. If it harm none do what you will. Unless there is clearly harm being done particularly in a criminal sense then it is their business NOT mine. I do not judge. Everyone has their shit. EVERYONE.
I care only about my own life and my backyard and what happens with it. I find those who spend time worrying about the lives of others have somehow misplaced their own. This makes me sad. Because it is a testament to the epidemic apathy that keeps folks from getting involved, from voting, from speaking up about important issues that affect our children's and grand-children's futures on this planet, from expanding their minds, from seeing what is really happening around them. It makes me sad because it stifles and stunts growth of the mental kind. The kind of growth that allows us to rise above petty shit and truly live a full life. One of love and joy. Of happiness that comes from within and is not easily swayed by the constant rollercoaster of external events. The kind of happiness that comes from living authentically and from being self aware. We only get one kick at the can, one life to live. ...I know I am going to do my best not to waste mine worrying about what people think of me and I am most certainly not going to waste it worrying about what other folks do in their daily lives. To sum up, my business is my business. I do what I do, I am what I am. How I chose to spend my time is up to me and I refuse to be subjected to the morals of those traditional type folks who think they know how others should live their lives. If your life is so fucking great what are you doing spending time speculating about mine or anyone else's? Get living your own.
Wednesday, 19 November 2014
Letting Go...
Until my recent break up, I left after 12 years of being together and nearly 10 years of marriage, I had no idea what "letting go" truly meant. I had a notion that it was releasing anger over unimportant things. I now understand that it is so much more than that. I have a clearer picture of what I hold on to, often obsessively. For example, I am notoriously bad for keeping every text ever sent me. At least, I used to. Part of letting go was deleting ALL of them. After saving the vital contact information and personal photo, of course.
My promise to myself is to live in the present moment as fully as I can. To help fulfill this promise I intend to treat each day as brand new. Each morning I will delete ALL of my text messages from the previous day. I do not want to spend anymore time obsessively reviewing past conversations that I can not change. I do not want to spend precious time wishing I had said this or that. I will just let it go...
...next is my email!
Thursday, 6 November 2014
Yes I Write Poetry...
Human Toxins Inhibit Growth of Love
Human toxins are like the slow development of disease. We don't notice until it becomes so toxic we cannot survive. They erode our beings slowly over time. We sweep the toxic behavior aside, we forgive, we apologize, make promises, rinse, repeat. Even then some remain blind to the toxin because it has become our life. We cannot just abandon our life. Once I made the decision to go I had to go. I had to remove myself from the toxin. The relief this brought as I walked down the steps and out of my house was palatable. So refreshing was the joy and relief I felt that I knew without a doubt it was the right decision. Only when in the presence of the toxin do I have doubts. These dissipate much more quickly now. I can now read the signs and know what to avoid, to block, to stop. I feel more focused. More me. Change is good. Life is too short to remain in relationships that are toxic, whether we are the ones who are toxic or the other person. It may not even be that only one person is toxic. ...it is often that together we are toxic. Regardless, if your relationship contains constant acts of manipulation, emotional abuse, lack of intimacy (whether sexually or intellectually or both), possessive jealousy, distrust of any kind, it is toxic. To both of you. People cannot grow or thrive in these environments. Period. We are unable to reach the full potential of real love. Real love is not toxic. It causes us to bloom. To imagine our full potential and encourages us to live up to it. Love is meant to fill us, to make us more of who we are not less. We can fill ourselves with this love ourselves. We do not even need others to provide it for us. The more love we give the more is returned, and the more we have to give. Love grows when it is given freely, even if only to ourselves.
I'm back...
Here is my blog. I nearly forgot I had one. A place to send out my thoughts to the universe. If no one reads them it matters not, the universe will receive my words. My thoughts, my intentions, my dreams, my desires. Even if I don't write them here. Some things are better left unsaid, unpublished, private. I am generally an open book so it has taken me some time to recognize the value of personal privacy. Of keeping my business my own. Might make for a short read. :)