Revolutionary, evolutionary. Very little difference between the two and I sincerely hope that this year will be both. People are waking up to the fact that corporatism is more important than humanism to our governments. That 1 % of the planets population holds 90% of its wealth. That poverty and starvation are unnecessary. That we have the resources to care for everyone if we so desired to do so. That it is corporations and the governments who support them who mismanage these resources and who keep the pressure on all of us to consume needlessly. That it is these global corporations who keep us blind and distracted with senseless tv programming, disingenuous news headlines, who discourage preventative healthcare and encourage reactive healthcare, whose products make us sick, etc. Yes, they provide us jobs...but it is little better than enslavement as we must work to consume their products that we have been convinced we cannot live without. It is these global corporations that encourage disabling debt to the lower classes while they reap the profits in interest and money creation. Some of you are going to say that I am generalizing, that we need these corporations, do me a favor and look up corporatism. Corporatism is the foundation of our political and social systems and although there is supposed to be a trickle down effect that enriches all, the form that drives the global systems enriches only a few and enslaves the rest. I say think and act locally. Support your local economy, endeavor to control your local resources, recycle, reuse, reduce your consumption, this is where there will eventually be a trickle up effect by negatively impacting the profits of the corporations. The only place these people feel anything is in the pocketbook.
Occupy Wallstreet and all of its offshoots has the grassroots foundation that is required for real change. The corporatists want us to believe that these protesters are no good, violent and entitled folks who are a drain on society rather than who they really are, people who have a deep concern about where humanity is going and are taking action to do something about it. Positive change that benefits all rarely comes from the top rather it is people centered and driven by the lower classes. History has shown this again and again. What makes anyone think this time will be any different? I think this movement has only just begun ...
What the ending of the Mayan calendar truly means is known only by those long dead Mayans who designed it however, I still hold out hope that this is the year for a real awakening of those who continue to sleep and carry on in blissful ignorance. I will do my part to help you wake up. Wishing one and all a Happy and Revolutionary New Year.
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