Sunday, 24 September 2023

Heartache and the need to write...

Like the first 40 or so years of the last century, the world is once again looking at a maelstrom of social issues and wars. Culture wars online, information wars, all that feed the physical war and pharma machine. Ukrainians suffer horrendously and the League of Nations... er... UN refuses to remove the aggressor from the Security Council while far right groups the world over suck up the ruZzian propaganda with bloodthirsty straws from the safety of their Western basements. And how in this day and age ANYONE cannot see that the ruZzians are committing atrocity after atrocity, genocide of both Ukrainians and Syrians ...speaks volumes to the hold on hubris so many have. 

In Canada the gender wars are getting heated with hate propaganda and misinformation fomenting both sides. Soon to come is round two of the Covid wars. Lockdowns and vaccinations coercion possible? How will they handle the backlash this time? Here too, is an attack on individual rights and a challenge to democracy. It is becoming more apparent every day, yet hard core deniers on both sides have drawn their lines in the sand. All I freaking wish is we would fucking learn. That our leaders would have integrity when it comes to the democracies they are supposed to lead. Listen to the voices! As a country we value and encourage diversity but the pendulum has swung too far and the swing back is always faster than the push upwards. It going to be a ride. What a time to be alive. 

That said... this shit takes it's toll on both my mind and my body. So I write... because it is getting too heavy to carry. 

Grief from the loss of my mama at a very young age has long knocked from the box I learned to keep it in. Far back in a deep corner of my mind not to be touched except in the most superficial of ways. I would accept no pity as a young adult, even now no sympathy required. For me it was just a fact of life. The matter of fact manner I accepted her death was both due to being a witness to it and a month away from 4 years old. It has been my dark friend all of my life. But I try not to spend much time with her. With all the global chaos and now with Oscar gone on walk about she's knocking a lot harder than usual. So I am sitting with her for a bit and reminding her as always...All will be well. All will be well. All manner of things will be well.

Thank you for reading. And if you cross paths with Oscar let him know his fur-mom misses him like crazy and he should come home now. 

Peace, love and rainbows.