...needs to be addressed seriously in our community. NOW. When leaders in our community have whispered allegations against them and they sit in positions of power it silences those who have been and still are victims. Sexual abuse is a cycle like any other kind of abuse. It is spoken of in hushed conversations because the victims have been robbed of their power to speak openly about their experiences. Sexual abuse is very often the root cause of addiction. When our young ones are trapped in addiction we need to ask why. There is always a reason and it is not because they are young and rebellious. Addiction is a way to numb pain. A coping mechanism. So let's ask...what are they trying to cope with?? What trauma/s have resulted in their addiction? In their self-destructive behavior?
As a survivor of multiple abusive traumas and a person who has over the years struggled with a few addictions, I can speak to this subject with some authority. I can confirm that addiction, whether it is alcohol, drugs or whatever, gives us a sense of return to power and control. That which has been taken from us. I also recognize that the majority of abusers, if not all, have themselves been victims. As my philosophy professor stated, "There is a reason for every behavior." When these reasons, the root cause, remain unaddressed the cycle continues. We need to break this cycle!!! We need to seek out those who have abused and make them accountable for their behavior AND address their victimization. We cannot do this by remaining silent!!! We must speak out!! I urge all of those in our community who are and have been victims to stand together and cry out to address this issue!! It is killing our young ones!! Not just in a physical sense...it is killing their spirit!! They are our future!! We need to do all we can to support them, get them the help they need before it is too late!!
When I was 6 years old I was abducted and abused by a person who was just getting started. I found out later that I was this person's first and he was just beginning to escalate. I recognize that this is a different situation than for those who have been abused by trusted family members. However, this event along with the teachings of the religion that silenced women and children, also abuse, placed me squarely in the position to be a victim of many other abuses, sexual, physical and emotional over many years. I know from my first marriage that after many years of counseling abusers who were also victims CAN be rehabilitated. The only way is for us to come out of hiding even if we are not initially believed.WE MUST SPEAK OUT!!
I now know my power and I have taken it back!! Please for the sake of our community and our children find your power...it is in speaking out!! Loudly and repeatedly until you are heard!! When we see those suffering with addictions recognize that this is a result of trauma...do not deride them. Recognize the roots of the behavior and lets work to address those root causes. We cannot save everyone but please people, let's focus on our young ones. Let's get them the help they need even if we have to drag them kicking and screaming! Are we not tired of watching them drown and die in their trauma??