Wednesday, 4 April 2012

So Distracted I Forgot my Blog... it has been awhile. I have avoided posting much because I did not want to sound like I was feeling sorry for myself, which I was, while my husband was away at school for 9 weeks. That and as I am finding out as a Councillor that sometimes we should just keep quiet and observe. So that is what I have been doing. I have been observing the decimation of our country and democratic process by the conservative government, and the corporatist actions of Enbridge with the support of the Conservative government. Apparently we are going to learn the hard way that developing the Tar Sands until the Athabasca River and the native peoples and wildlife who live there are decimated as well is a very dangerous and foolhardy thing to do. As I learn more about the evolutionary process I lose hope that the virus of religion will somehow be stalled by a virus of reason, while at the same time gain hope that humanity will prevail for the sake of its own survival, if only in much smaller numbers. Like it or not, the fact is as long as the faulty foundation of dogma and belief remains so do the patriarchal attitudes of dominion over women, animals and the earth that seems to feed the rampant neo-fascism that masks itself as conservatism. The problem with traditional values is that life evolves and changes and conservative values require things to stay the same. There is inherent denial that societal attitudes must change as well. since writing the above there has been little improvement. My hope in humanity is fading. People do nothing until such time that it effects them directly. Well people...who are your children, their children, their children's children??? Not fucking direct enough for you?? Yes I'm angry. I am angry that the uproar that we should be hearing is being drowned out by the mundane things of everyday life. By the corporate run mainstream media that feeds us such crap as "Jersey Shore"  and brings us Sun TV. Like WTF!!! Wake up people!! This is OUR life at stake and the lives and well-being of those who give us immortality, our grandchildren and our great-grandchildren. We cannot, we MUST NOT allow this shit to continue... and yet, what power do we hold?? How can we fight them?? By speaking out against the injustice that is constantly rammed down our throats!! By signing petitions, by holding signs, by speaking about it, by speaking about politics and religion even in so-called polite company. It is polite, apathetic company that keeps on keeping on and ensures that nothing changes. So I refuse to be polite, I refuse to be apathetic. To the best of my ability I will write, I will share, I will disagree and tell you why, I will VOTE, I will support those who speak... and at the same time I will go on about those mundane tasks that keep my bills paid. But I will do those tasks with honesty and integrity, I will approach the boards and councils I am a member of with the same integrity, honesty and tenacity ... I will do what I can to NOT be part of the problem, I will do what I can to rise above the complacency and apathy... and if necessary, much to my husbands chagrin I am sure, I will lay down in front of an Enbridge bulldozer...because a large part of me is afraid that this is going to be that kind of battle.